TQC is a professional engineering consulting and construction inspection firm founded in 1995. Our company has been providing a range of engineering services to the public and private sector clients for close to 30 years. Our expertise includes:
TechniQuest Corporation (TQC) provides expert traffic engineering services, offering design, analysis, and consulting for a wide range of transportation projects. Our team has extensive experience in traffic signal design, roadway lighting, and guide rail systems, ensuring that all projects meet the highest safety standards and client requirements. TQC’s design staff is proficient in the latest MUTCD, NJDOT, and PANYNJ guidelines, delivering accurate field reviews, as-built updates, and detailed design plans for new installations and upgrades. We excel in integrating new signal systems into existing networks, optimizing traffic flow, and enhancing roadway safety. Traffic Engineering Services Include: - Traffic Signal Design and Optimization: Detailed plans for new and upgraded intersections. - Lighting Design and Analysis: Using AGi32 software for precise illumination assessments. - Guide Rail Engineering: Design and placement for effective roadside safety. - Signing and Striping Plans: Comprehensive design for enhanced road visibility and guidance. Equipment and Hardware Software includes: - Bentley Connection Client / MicroStation - Bentley ProjectWise - Autodesk/AutoCAD - Synchro plus SimTraffic, Version 11.0 - Highway Capacity Software (HCM/HSM) - AGi32 Lighting Analysis Software Project Experience: - NJDOT Arterial Management Center Staff Augmentation - NJDOT Traffic Engineering Services Staff Augmentation - NJDOT Guide Rail Replacement Contract - Middlesex County As-Built Signal Certification - City of Camden Traffic Signal Improvements (Group 1)
TechniQuest Corporation (TQC) offers a full suite of construction inspection (CI) services for roadway, bridge, and building projects. Since 1995, TQC has successfully managed over $150 million in construction projects, ensuring quality, safety, and compliance from start to finish. Our staff members include Road Inspectors, Bridge Inspectors, and Building Construction Inspectors. Our certified inspectors provide on-site oversight for all phases of construction, focusing on maintaining project timelines and budgets. We provide our Cl services to both public and private clients for the construction of heavy highway, bridge, earth retaining structures, waste-water facilities, building facilities, commercial and residential developments in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. Services Include the following: - On-site certified inspectors for all types of construction projects - Construction Inspection & Construction Management Services - Construction Monitoring & Special Inspections - Construction Support Services - Document field records & Photo logs of various stages of construction - Roadway and Intersection Designs and Improvements - Utility Conflict Identification and Mitigation/Coordination with Utility Firms Completed Projects for NJDOT & NJTA: - NJDOT Drawbridge Preventative Maintenance - NJDOT NJ 495, US1&9 / Paterson Plank Road Bridge & NJ 3 - NJTA Bridge Fender Repairs & Rehab - NJDOT Drainage Restoration Statewide, 2019 Completed Projects for the City of Philadelphia, Streets Department: - CM/CI Traffic Signals (2015-2016) - CM/CI Girard Avenue Streetscape (2016) - CM/CI Southeast Quad ADA & Traffic Signals (2018) - CM/CI North American Street (2018-2021) - CM/CI Vision Zero Contract (2021)
TechniQuest Corporation (TQC) is a trusted partner in transportation planning, providing a full spectrum of analysis and consulting services to support local, regional, and state-level initiatives. With decades of experience in traffic data collection and engineering analysis, TQC delivers high-quality studies that guide decision-making and promote safe, efficient transportation systems. We work closely with clients to establish performance metrics and utilize industry-standard modeling software for accurate predictions and evaluations. TQCs traffic engineering experience includes the collection of data, engineering analysis and reporting to support the following types of studies. - Parking Studies - Truck Traffic Evaluation - Intersection Safety Study - Signal Warrant Analysis - Safety Studies - Traffic Impact Studies - Multi-Way Stop Analysis - Intersection Queueing - Signal Timing & Phasing - Crash Records & Analysis - Pedestrian & Bicycle Studies - Roundabout Analysis - Traffic Calming Measures - Transit Service & Demand - Travel Time Studies - Before and After Performance TQC brings extensive experience in conducting and completing in-depth transportation analyses. Our team utilizes a combination of advanced modeling tools and arterial travel time software to evaluate and optimize signal timing patterns. From the outset of each project, TQC collaborates closely with clients to establish key performance metrics tailored to project goals. These metrics typically include standard Measures of Effectiveness (MOEs) from the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM), Synchro Trafficware, and Highway Capacity Software (HCS), such as Level of Service (LOS), delay, queue lengths, and volume-to-capacity (v/c) ratios. In addition, TQC is proficient in generating comprehensive performance reports using traffic simulation software, covering critical metrics such as total system stops, vehicle-hours of delay, mean travel time, average speed, travel time reliability, and buffer time. Equipment and Hardware Software includes: - Synchro plus SimTraffic, Version 11.0 - Highway Capacity Software (HCM/HSM) - Tru-Traffic GPS Travel Time Hardware/Software
TechniQuest Corporation (TQC) provides comprehensive traffic data collection services, utilizing a diverse array of advanced technologies to deliver accurate and actionable data for transportation studies. Our foundation is built on robust field methodologies, including intersection turning movement counts using MioVision video systems and automated data capture via in-road pneumatic Automatic Traffic Recorders (ATRs). We specialize in delivering precise traffic volume, vehicle classification, speed, and multimodal (including bicycle and pedestrian) data to support a wide range of planning and analysis needs. Our certified Traffic Control Coordinators ensure safe deployment of equipment and compliance with all regulations. From client communication and mobilization to securing necessary permits, TQC handles every aspect of the data collection process to ensure seamless execution. TQC leverages a diverse range of advanced data collection technologies to support various study types and has the capacity to effectively manage multiple projects and clients simultaneously. With extensive resources and a comprehensive inventory, TQC executes data collection projects seamlessly across the tri-state area, utilizing the following equipment: - 160 Automatic Traffic Recorder Units - 110 Metro Count Units - 50+ MioVision Scout Video Collection Units - 33 JAMAR Turning Movement Count Boards - 8 Iteris Bluetoad Bluetooth Data Collection Units - 3 Tru-Traffic GPS Travel Time Hardware/Software - 2 Jamar Black CAT Radar Traffic Recorders (Radar Detection Equipment) - 1 Bushnell Handheld Radar Gun TQC has been contracted to perform the following data collection tasks as part of our project experience. - Continuous traffic volume data collection using automatic traffic recorder (ATR) - Intersection manual turning movement counts (TMC) - Vehicle classification counts (AVC) - Transit Boarding, Alighting and Dwell Time Surveys - Travel Time Studies, Surveys and Analysis - Spot and corridor speed studies - Before and After Corridor Studies - Origin and destination (O&D) counts - On-Street or Off-Street Parking Studies - Freight Parking Studies Project Experience: - NJDOT Statewide Roadway Information and Traffic Monitoring System Program - NJDOT General Engineering Services Agreement - NYSDOT Town of Clarkstown Sustainability Study for Routes 303 & 304 - NJTPA Local Safety Engineering Assistance Program - Passaic County Regional Traffic Signal Optimization
TechniQuest Corporation (TQC) offers comprehensive Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) solutions designed to enhance traffic flow, improve safety, and support sustainable transportation infrastructure. TQC’s ITS services encompass the planning, design, implementation, and integration of cutting-edge technologies that enable efficient traffic management, real-time data collection, and seamless coordination across transportation networks. Our team specializes in deploying ITS applications, including adaptive signal control systems, dynamic message signs, traffic detection and monitoring systems, and connected vehicle infrastructure. TQC’s approach combines advanced analytics, engineering expertise, and a thorough understanding of transportation agency requirements to deliver solutions that meet the evolving needs of modern mobility. Key ITS Services Include: - Adaptive Traffic Signal Control: Real-time optimization of signal timing based on traffic demand, enhancing flow and reducing delays. - Traffic Monitoring and Detection Systems: Installation and maintenance of CCTV, radar, and other sensors to monitor and manage roadway conditions. - Connected Vehicle Infrastructure: Deployment of vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) technologies to improve safety and reduce congestion. - Dynamic Messaging Systems (DMS): Design and implementation of digital signage to provide drivers with real-time traffic information and alerts. With a strong focus on innovation and system reliability, TQC’s ITS team is committed to advancing transportation safety and efficiency through state-of-the-art technology and strategic system design.
TechniQuest Corporation (TQC) delivers high-quality GIS data collection and field inventory services, leveraging state-of-the-art geospatial technologies for infrastructure assessments and asset management. We utilize ESRI ArcGIS platforms and mobile applications to gather, verify, and analyze data, ensuring our clients receive accurate, up-to-date information for informed decision-making. TQC assists clients by conducting comprehensive field inventories and compliance reviews of existing transportation infrastructure, including signage, pavement markings, traffic signals, and guide rails. The TQC engineering and data collection teams have experience in completing MUTCD Field Inventories and Compliance Reviews throughout the State of New Jersey on numerous projects and at several of PANYNJ facilities. This experience includes performing reviews of the physical condition of existing infrastructure, assessing the context of traffic engineering elements, and determining compliance with the most current standards of the MUTCD and/or associated agency. TQC specializes in ESRI/ArcGIS Online platforms, effectively utilizing advanced mobile applications for streamlined data collection and project management. Our GIS expertise has supported a variety of projects, including countywide sign inventories, infrastructure documentation for PANYNJ facilities, and comprehensive transit service studies. TQC has successfully delivered sign inventory projects for Hudson and Gloucester Counties, and our recent collaboration with Camden County and DVRPC resulted in the development of a robust Guiderail Inventory Management System. For more details, please visit the projects section of our website. TQC has been contracted to perform the following data collection tasks as part of our project experience. - Data Collection leveraging ESRI ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Online and Mobile Applications - Field Inventory Data Collection Services - Engineering & Asset Management Data Collection Services - ArcGIS Feature Layer Verifications, including Signs, Linear Features & Point Features Equipment and Hardware Software includes: - 3 ArcGIS Online and Desktop Licenses - 3 SXBlue Tablets with GPS Antenna - 8 Android and IOS Tablets with Cellular Connectivity - 4 IOS Phones and Hotspots Project Experience: - SJTPO Countywide Local Safety Plans - DVRPC Guiderail Inventory Management System for Camden County

“Engineering is the art of directing the great sources of power in nature for the use and convenience of humankind.”